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Computer architecture questions asked in previous year competitive exams.

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1 Important question about computer architecture asked in previous year competitive exams :

Important question about computer architecture asked in previous year competitive exams : 

1. The first computer architecture was introduced in



2. The system unit is the

Container that houses electronic component.


3. Which of the following is a metal or plastic case that holds all the physical part of the computer

System unit.


4. The components that a process data are located in which of the following

System unit.


5. Which of the following is not responsible for the performance of the computer.

Number of keys  in the keyboard.


6. Information that comes from external source and fed into  computer software is called



7. The unit sendstay processor results today user is called



8. The main examples of output units





9. The CPU in a computer consists  of

Control unit

Automatic unit

Memory unit.


10. In a computer which of the following unit is responsible for processing and also known as a brain of the computer is



11. The main function of CPU is

Carry out program instruction.

Process data and information.


12. The CPU is made up of two small components




13. What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer ?

To compare numbers.


14. Which unit of a computer helps in communication between and memory  arithmetic logical unit

CPU (central processing unit).


15. Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing function ?



16. How many types of arithmetic operation in alu of a computer program ?



17. Processors container control unit and…..



18. Which of the following executive computer commands both

Arithmetic and logic unit.


19. Which unit is a combinational digital electronic circuit that performs arithmetic and bitwise operation on integer binary numbers



20. The portion of the CPU that coordinates the activities of all the other computer

Control unit

21. Which among the following is an important circuitry in a computer system that the direct the operation of a processor

Control unit.


22. The part of the computer that show coordinates all its functions is called

Control unit.

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