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Computer MS-Dos important mcq questions for interview and compitative Exams repeated questions.

Ms- Dos very important mcq  questions: 


1. QDOS stands for : 

A. *Quick Disk Operating System 

B. Quick Dirty Operating System

C. Quick Dynamic Operating System 

D. Quality Disk Operating System 


2. Which combination of keys allows you to perform a warm boot ? 

A. Ctrl+ESC 

B. *Ctrl+Alt+DEL 

C. Ctrl+Shift+DEL 

D. Ctrl+Shiftt ENTER 


3. Restarting a computer is called? 

A. Scanning 

B. Safe Mode 

C. Cold Booting 

D. *Warm Booting 


4. In which version of DOS, CHKDSK command has been changed to SCANDISK ? 

A. 5.0 

B. 5.1

C. 6.0

D. *6.2 


5. CHKDSK command is used to . 

A. Analyze the hard disk error 

B. Diagnose the hard disk error 

C. Report the status of files on disk

D. *All of the above 


6. While working with MS-DOS which key is used to get the previous command used ? 

A.* F3 

B. F1 

C. F6 

D. Fil 


7. Which command creates a directory or subdirectory ? 

A. Dir 

B. Mkdir 

C. Md 

D. *Both B & C 


8.  Which keys can be pressed quit without saving in DOS ? 

A. Ctrl+A 

B. Ctrl+B 

C. *Ctrl+C 

D. Ctrl+D 


9. While working with MS-DOS, which command is used to move file from one directory to another? 




D. CD 


10.  Which command is used to list out deleted files in DOS ? 

A. list 

B. *Undelete/list 

C. Recover 

D. None of these 


11. Generally, the DATE is entered in the form 






12. MS DOS originally written by ? 

A. Bill Gates 

B. Paul Allen

C. Both of these 

D. *Tim Paterson 


13.What is the maximum length of the filename in DOS ? 

A. 3 characters 

B. 5 characters 

C. *8 characters 

D. 12 characters 


14. What does ‘CLI’ stands for ? 

A. Central Line Interface 

B. Common Line Interface

C. Common Line Internet 

D. *Command Line Interface 


15. What is the full form of CUI ? 

A. *Character User Interface 

B. Chat Uniformly Interchange 

C. Consider Unlisted Information 

D. Checking Unlimited Information 

16. MS DOS is 

A. GUI based OS

B. *CUI based OS 

C. GUI & CUI based OS

D. None of these 


17. MS DOS was introduced by Microsoft in which year ? 

A. 1979

B. 1980 

C. *1981 

D. 1985 


18. MS DOS is which type of Operating System ? 

A. Single User Multi Tasking 

B. *Single User Single Tasking 

C. Multi User Multi Tasking 

D. None of the above 


19. What does MS-DOS stand for? 

A.Macro Server Description of Systems

B. Microsoft Development of Systems 

C . MS Device Operating Systems 

D.* Microsoft Disk Operating System 


20. What is the full form of DOS ? 

A. *Disk Operating System

B. Data Operating System 

C. Disk Operating Store 

D. None of the above 


21. SYS command is used to 

A. Update the DOS system files 

B. *Copy DOS system files to new disk

C. Copy DOS configuration files to a new disk 

D. None of above 


22. External command in DOS are ………. 

A. Sys, ver, vol 

B.* Edit, sys, chkdsk 

C. Chkdsk, prompt, date 

D. None of above 


23.DEL command is used to ……….. 

A. *Delete files 

B. Delete labels 

C. Delete directory 

D. None of the above


24. Which file in MS DOS contains internal command that are loaded during booting process ? 

A. lo.sys 

B. Msdos.sys 

C. * 

D . Config.sys 


25. Which character is Wildcard in MS DOS? 

A. % 

B. & 

C. # 

D. * 


26. Which among these is not a type of directory in DOS? 

A. *Main Directory

B. Root Directory, 

C.Current Directory 

D .Sub Directory 


27. Drive indicate which type of directory ? 

A. Main Directory

B.* Root Directory 

C. Current Directory 

D. Sub Directory 


28. Which of the following is not an operating system? 

A. Windows 

B. Linux 

C. *Oracle



29. Which files are treated as MS DOS files? 

A. I0.SYS 



D. *All of the above 


30. Which file in MS DOS contains internal command that are loaded during booting process ? 

A. lo.sys 

B. Msdos.sys 

C. *

D . Config.sys 

31. The question mark (?) indicates in file searching 

A. *A single character 

B. A group of character 

C. Questions 

D. None of above 


32. What was the first version of MS DOS ? 

A. *Version 1.0 

B. Version 1.1 

C. Version 0.0 

D. Version 0.1 


33. Which type of command requires additional files to perform specific operations? 

A. Internal commands

B.* External commands 

C. Valuable commands 

D. Primary commands 


34. Which one of the following is not a multitasking operating system ? 

A. *DOS 

B. Windows

C. Unix 

D. Linux 


35. Which of the following does not support more than one program at a time ? 

A. *DOS 

B. Linux

C. Windows 

D. Unix 


36. FAT stands for ……

A. File Access Tape 

B. File Activity Table 

C. *File Allocation Table 

D. File Accommodation Table 


37. DOS uses which file system ? 


B . HFS 

C. exFAT

D.* FAT 


38. What else is a command interpreter called? 

A. prompt 



D. command 


39. In MS-Dos Which command is used to display system time? 

A .*Time command 

B. Date Command 

C. Format 

D. None of the above 


40. Which command is used to get the current date only ? 

A. *Date

B. Time 

C. Year 

D. None of above 


41. QDOS was renamed as……



C. *86-DOS 

D. Windows 


42. Which version of DOS is a part of Windows 95? 

A. Version 5.0 

B. Version 6.0 

C. *Version 7.0 

D. Version 8.0 


43.Which of the following operating system does not implement the multitasking truly ? 

A. Windows 98

B. Windows NT 

C. Windows XP 



44. The ……..command allows you to modify the default prompt to provide other information. 

A. *Prompt

B. Windows 

C. Cursor 

D. Click 


45. DIR command is used to …..

A . *Display a list of files in a directory.

B. Display contents of files in directory

C. Display type of files in a sub directory

D. None of the above 

46. Which command is used to make a new directory? 

A. Cd 

B. *Md

C. Rd 

D. None of above 


47. Format command is used to ….

A. Prepare a blank disk

B. Create a new blank disk from a used one 

C. *Both A & B.

D. None of above 


48. Restore command is used to 

A. Restore files from recycle bin 

B.Restore files which are deleted 

C. Restore files which are deleted recently 

D.* Restore files from disks made using the BACKUP command 


49. An entire path name, consisting of several subdirectory names can contain upto ……

A. 36 character 

B. 53 character 

C.* 63 character D 

D. None of above 


50. Which command is used to clear the screen? 

A. *Cls

B. Clear 

C. Clscreen 

D. None of above 


51. Internal command in Dos are …..

A. Cls, rd label 

B. Dir, ren, sys 

C.* Time, type, dir 

D. Del, disk copy, label 


52.Which command is used to copy files? 

A. Type 

B.* Copy

C. Diskcopy 

D. None of above 


53. To copy the hidden system files of DOS to another disk, you can use

the command……

A. *Sys 

B. Ren 

C. Copy

D. Diskcopy 

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