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Most repeated GK – general knowledge questions asked in compitative Exams in English Part 03.

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2 Questions Number 101 to 200.

One liner GK questions asked in previous year exams like SSC , IBPS ,UPSC , KPSC, BANKING and many more exams.

Questions Number 101 to 200.

101. Which part of eye donated

 – Cornea part.

2. Smallest bone in human body

 – stapes (Ear).

3. Which is known as Master Gland in body 

– Pituitary gland.

4. Which vitamin is essential for the coagulation of blood? 

– Vitamin K .

5. Name of the vitamins that are Fat soluble 

 – A, D, E & K

6.The gland which is both endocrine as well as exocrine 

– Pancreas.

7. Which glands are also known as Ductless Glands?

 – Endocrine.

8. Name the vitamins that are water soluble

 – vitamin B & vitamin C .

9. Blood group was discovered by

 – Landsteiner.

10. Universal blood donor 

– ‘O ‘ Negative blood.

11.Which is the universal receiver blood group 

 – AB Blood group.

12. How many chambers are there in frog heart 

– 3 chamber .

13. How many chambers are there in Human heart 

– 4 chamber.

14. Why are leaves green in colour 

– Chlorophill.

15. Why is blood ‘red’ in colour

 – Hemoglobin .

16. What is the Ph value of human blood? 

– 7.4 Ph

17. The rarest blood group is

 – AB Negative Blood.

18. The metal present in the heamoglobin is 

– Iron .

19. The metal present in the chlorophylill is

– Magnesium.

20. The important sugar in honey is 

– Fructose.

21. The number of Chromosomes in the human geans is 

– 46.

22. Which of the following acid present in Vinegar ? 

– Acetic Acid.

23. The disease caused by deficiency of protein in children is called

 – Kwashiorkor.

24. Which disease is caused due to deficiency of iodine ?

 – Goiter

25. Which of the following organs stores fat soluble vitamins

– Liver.

 26. Plants which flower only once in their life time are known as 

– Monocarpic.

 27.Which is the most stable ecosystem ?

 – Ocean.

28. What is protein made of ? 

– Amino Acid.

29. What is the main component of cell wall in case of plant cells ? 

– Cellulose .

30. Who discovered nucleus of the cell

 – Robert Brown .

31. Cells are made up of 

– Protoplasm .

32. Ligament connect – bone to bone.

33. Blood is a connective tissue

Kidney stones are composed of

 – Calcium Oxalate .

39. Which of the following organ celles is called Atom bombs?

 – Lysosome.

 40. Insects that transmit diseases are known as


41. The outermost layer of skin is 

– Epidermis.

42. In the human body red blood cells are produced in 

– Bone Marrow .

43. The thinnest bone of human body is

 – Fibula.

44. The plant hormones produced at the shoot to cell to grow longer is 

– Gibberellin.

45. The transformation of cartilage into bone is called 

– Ossification.

46. Cancellous bone is also called

 – Spongy bone.

47. Which bone does not articulate with any other bone in human body 

– Hyoid bone.

48. The human digestive tract is also known as 

– Alimentary canal.

49.Where sertoli cells are found

 – Seminiferous tubules.

50. The male hormone testosterone is secret by 

– Leydig cells.

51. The contraction of muscles in the uterus before childbirth is known as 

– Labour.

 52. The hormone secreted by pancreas is 

– Insulin.

53. Which of the following Article can’t be suspended even during emergency

 – Article 20 and 21.

54. Which article of Indian constitution has the provision for National Emergency 

– Article 352.

 55. Under which article, President of India can proclaim constitutional emergency 

– Article 356.


56. How many types of emergency are there in the Indian Constitution 

 – 3 emergency.

57. Financial emergency related to which article 

 – Article 360.

58. How many fundamental Rights are mentioned in Indian constitution ?

 – 6 fundamentals rights.

59. How many Fundamental Duties are mentioned in Indian constitution ? 

– 11 fundamental duties.

60. How many types of writ are there in the Indian Constitution ?

 – 5 Writes.

61. How many members of upper house (Rajya Sabha) can be nominated by President of India is 

– 12 members.

62. President of India can be removed from his office by

 – Parliament.

63. The Sharda Act is related to

 – Child marriage.

64. The Jammu and Kashmir state legislative assembly has a tenure of 

– 6 years.

65. Indian Planning Commission was constituted in year of.

– 1950. 

66. Which article given special status to Jammu Kashmir ? 

– Article 370.

 67. Who was the first governor general of India ? 

– Lord Mountbatten.

68. Who was the first and last Indian governor general of India? 

– C Rajagopalachari.

69. Who is the first Lok Sabha Speaker ? 

– GV Mavalankar.

70. Who designed Indian national Flag ?

 – Pingali Venkayya.

71. Who among the following appointed the Governor of the states in India ?

 – The president.

72. How many Schedules are contained in the Constitution of India ? 

– 12 schedules.

73. Who appointed the Chief Justice and Other Judges of the Supreme Court of India? 

– The president of India.

74. Article 368 of the Indian Constitution deals with

 – Amending Procedure.

75. Which type of emergency has not been declared so far in India ? 

– Financial Emergency. 

76. In which year the first amendment to the Constitution was held?

 – 1951.

 77. Which of amendment act is related to goods and service tax , GST ?

 – 101st amendment.

78. Which Constitutional Amendment Bill lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 years ? 

– 61st amendment.

 79. Which bill cannot originate in Rajya Sabha ?

 – Money Bill.

80. The first Indian actress to have been nominated to the Rajya Sabha was 

– Nargis Dutt.

 81. Who was the Constitutional advisor to the Constituent Assembly of India ? 

– Dr. B. N. Rao.

82. The Parliament and the constitution are the instruments of

 – Legal Justice.

83. The term of Finance Commission is 

– 5 years.

84. Where is the national Emblem of India taken from 

– The Lion Capital of Ashoka stamba at Sarnath. 

85. When was Indian Government adopted national emblem of India ? 

– 26 January 1950.

86. Number of spokes in Indian National Flag ? 

– 24 spokes.

87.Which of countries have an unwritten constitution 

– UK ( United kingdom).

88. What is the ratio of length and width of Indian National Flag is 

– 3:2 ratio.

89. When was Indian national flag adopted ? 

– 22 July 1947.

90. What is the time limit of National Anthem ?

 – 52 Seconds.

91. Who wrote the National Anthem ? 

– Rabindra Nath Tagore.

 92. Who wrote the national song of India ?

 – Bankim Chand Chatterjee .

93. Who estimate the national income for the first time ? 

– Dadabhai Navaroji.

 94. Who is the first chief justice of Supreme Court of India? 

– Hiralal J Kania (H J Kania).

95. Who is the first Indian woman president of Indian National Congress ?

 – Sarojini Naidu.

96. Who is the first woman President of Indian National Congress ? 

– Annie Besant.

 97. Which is the first state in India formed on the basis of language ?

– Andhra Pradesh. 

98. Who is the first ICS ( Indian civil Service) of India ?

 – Satendra Nath Tagore .

99. When is Human Rights Day celebrated ? 

– 10 December.

200. Taxes belong to Central Government? 

– Excise Duty

-Custom Duty

 -Income Tax.

 A money bill under the constitution of India tabled in the

-Lok Sabha.

Which one of the following can’t be dissolved but can be abolished any time ? 

– S Legislative Councils.

The first meeting of the Constitution Assembly was held in 

– 9 December 1946 .

The last meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held in

– 24 January 1950










































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