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Very important Antonyms for previous year and upcoming compitative Exams SSC MTS, CHSL ,CGL ,UPSC, NDA MANY more exams.

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1 Very important Antonyms for previous and upcoming compitative Exams ;

Very important Antonyms for previous and upcoming compitative Exams ; 

Scarce – Ample

 Expansion – Compression 

Escalate – Reduce

Tender – Rough

 Exceptional – Unremarkable

 Pardon – Punish

 Eminent – Inconspicuous

 Agony – Comfort 

Finite – Endless

Reprimand – Compliment

 Comic – Tragic 

Gather – Disperse

 Dense – Sparse 

Stale – Fresh 

Swerve – Straighten

 Sober – Agitated

 Transient – Permanent 

Liberty – Slavery

 Sacred – Profane 

Notorious – Famous

 Accept – Reject 

Affinity – Aversion

 Severe – Mild 

Prudent – Indiscreet 

Arrogance – Humility 

Meagre – Plentiful 

Covetous – Benevolent

 Crucial – Trivial

 Extravagant – Thrifty

 Vigilant – Careless

 Absurd – Sensible 

Jeopardize – Protect

Corroborate – Contradict 

Morose – Cheerful 

Denounce – Applaud 

Opaque – Clear 

Dense – Sparse 

Exaggerate – Compress 

Instant – Delayed 

Reserved – Communicative 

Hasty – Cautious

Accessible – Restricted 

Meagre – Plentiful 

Urban – Rural 

Sparse – Dense 

Inferior – Superior

Prosperity – Adversity 

Censure – Praise

Exceptional – Ordinary 

Despair – Hope

Ferocious – Gentle 

Misery – Bliss 

Ascent – Descent 

Flexible – Stiff 

Novel – Old 

Ominous – Auspicious

Ows one word substitution asked in recent SSC CGL CHSL MTS competitive exams.

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