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Very important Antonyms for SSC upcoming competitive examinations

Very important Antonyms for upcoming competitive exams : 

Ignorance – Knowledge .

Dominant – Submissive.

Convene – Disperse.

Concur – Disagree.

Benign – Hostile.

Extravagant – Economical.

Adamant – Gullible.

 Cajole – Repulse.

 Indolent – Lively.

 Assault – Defend.

Commence – Close.

 Expand – Contract.

 Logical – Contradictory.

 Paucity – Surplus.

 Mundane – Extraordinary.

 Liberal – Stingy.

 Shallow – Deep.

Colossal – Minimal.

Genuine – Fake.

 Rational – Illogical.

 Reluctant – Willing

 Lament – Rejoice.

Apparent – Hidden.

Arrogant – Modest.

Fatigued – Energized.

 Consensus – Disagreement.

Latent – Evident.

Dormant – Active.

Reveal – Hide 

Treacherous – Faithfull.

 Evident – Obscure.

Mournful – Joyous.

Lenient – Strict.

Convex – Concave 

Emancipation – Bondage 

Affliction – Pleasure.

 Horizontal – Vertical.

Abolish – Build.

 Abundant – Scarce.

 Illicit – Lawful.

Distant – Close 

Flood – Drought.

 agony – Pleasur.

 Agreement – Discord.

 Semblance – Difference .

Rambling – Coherent .

Affliction – Pleasure.

 Emancipation – Bondage 


Very important Top 50 synonyms for previous year and upcoming compitative Exams SSC CHSL, MTS, CGL , BANKING etc

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