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Computer OS operating system very important Mcq’s for interview and competitive exams.

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1 Computer Os -operating system top mcq’s:

Computer Os -operating system top mcq’s:

01. The date and time displays on 

A. Taskbar 

B. Status bar

C. *System tray 

D. Launch pad 

02. Where is ‘Date and Time’ located in Windows 10 operating system? 

A. My documents 

B. *Taskbar 

C. Recycling bin 

D. My computer 

03. Which of the following does not support more than one program at a time? 


B. Linux 

C. Windows

D. Unix 

04. Which of the following is system software? 

A. Operating system

B. Compiler 

C. Utilities 

D. *All of the above 

05. The primary purpose of an operating system is: 

A. *To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware 

B. To allow people to use the computer 

C. To keep systems programmers employed 

D. To make computers easier to use 

06. Which of the following options is not a function of the operating system? 

A. Memory management

B. Process Management 

C. File management 

D. *Database management (DBMS)

07. Which process checks to ensure the components of the computer are operating and connected properly? 

A. *Booting 

B. Processing 

C. Saving 

D. None of these 

08. Windows displays various options to shutdown. Which is suitable at the end of day ? 

A.* Shut Down 

B. Sleep 

C. Hibernate 

D. Restart 

*Shut Down – Existing the operating system and turning off the device in a single action. 

*Sleep — It uses very little power, your PC starts up faster, end you are instantly back to where you left off. 

*Hibernate — It uses less power than sleep and when you start up the PC again, you are back to where you left off. 

*Restart — It means that you start something again. 

09. Windows displays various options to shutdown. Which is suitable at the end of day ? 

A.* Shut Down

B. Sleep 

C. Hibernate 

D. Restart 

10. System software acts as a bridge between the hardware and……software? 

A. Management

B. Processing 

C. Utility 

D. *Application 

11. Which of the following is NOT an open-source operating system? 

A. *Windows 

B. Ubuntu 

C. Android 

D. Linux 

12. Most widely used graphical user interface operating system for personal computers is…..

A. *Microsoft windows

B. Mac windows 

C. Android windows


13. With reference to MS-DOS, which of the following statements are true? 

A. It was written in COBOL and assembly language

B. Dir command was used for external commands, whereas the Deltree command was used for internal commands. 

C. *Disk Operating System (DOS) was used in Microsoft’s x86 based PCs. 

D. It supports Graphical User Interface (GUI).

14 . An operating system enables a person to communicate with a computer through the use of symbols, icons, visual metaphors and pointing devices. In which of the following will it be classified? 

A. *Graphical User Interface

B. Line Command Interface 

C. Black User Interface 

D. Tap User Interface 

15 …… a set of computer programs that run or control computer hardware and act as an interface between application programs and users. 

A. Object code 

B. compiler 

C. *An operating system

D. The CPU 

16 . The operating system is the most common type of……Software. 

A. Communication 

B. Application 

C. *System 

D. Word processing software 

17. Which of the following is an open source operating system? 

A. Windows 10 

B. iOS 

C.* Android 

D. Windows Vista 

18. Mac operating system is developed by which company? 


B. *Apple 

C. Microsoft 

D. Samsung 


19. What is ‘UBUNTU’ ? 

A. Malware 

B.* Operating system 

C. External hard drive 

D. Web Browser 

UBUNTU is an example of an operating system. It is free and open-source software. 

20 . NTFS stands for….and it was developed by…..

A. New Technology File System; Apple 

B. Network Technology File System; Intel

C. *New Technology File System; Microsoft

D. Network Technology File System; Apple 

21. Which file system Windows 10 uses? 


B. FAT 16

C. FAT 32

D.* NTFS, 

22. What is the maximum length of the filename in DOS ? 

A. 4 

B. 5 

C. *8 

D. 12 

23. Consider the following statements: 

1. Unix is a multitasking, multi-user computer operating system.

2. The Unix operating system is now entirely coded in C-language.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

A. Only 1 

B. Only 2 

C.* Both 1 and 2

D. Neither 1 nor 2 

24. In a GUI-based operating system, the graphical user interface is based on …

A. Windows, Icons, Graphs

B. Menus, Icons, Pictures

C. *Windows, Icons, Menus

D. Menus, Icons, Graphs 

25. Which of the following operating system do you choose to implement a client-server network? 


B. Windows 

C. Windows 98

D.* Windows 2000 

26. If the displayed system time and date is wrong, you can reset it using 

A. Write 

B. Calendar 

C. Write file 

D. *Control panel 

27. Which of the following shutdown methods is often called Warm Boot? 

A. Shut Down

B.* Restart 

C. Sleep 

D. Hibernate 

28. Which of the following is an example of a real-time operating system? 

A. Lynx 


C. Windows XP 

D.* Process Control 

29. A Microsoft Windows is an….

A. *Operating system 

B. Graphic program

C. Word Processing

D. Database program 

30  ……..runs on computer hardware and serves as a platform for other system to run on. 

A. *Operating system

B. Application system 

C. System software 

D. All of the above 

31. My Computer was introduced from 

A. Windows 3.1

B. Windows 3.11 

C. *Windows 95

D. Windows 98 

32 . In Windows, start button is used to. ..

A. Run applications 

B. Device setting 

C. Turn off the system 

D. *All of the above 

33. Which of the following Windows do not have Start button ? 

A. Windows Vista 

B. Windows 7

C. *Windows 8

D. None of above 

34. BIOS is used by: 

A. Output devices 

B. Microprocessor 

C. *Operating systems

D. Hardware 

35. What is the full form of the DOS operating system….? 

A. *Disk Operating System

B. Disk Object System 

C. Disk Open State 

D. Data Operation System 

36. Which window is used for PC, business desktop, laptop, and servers? 

A.* Windows 2000 

B. Windows 7 

C. Windows XP 

D. Windows 3 

37.  Microsoft released their first GUI-based OS , in 1985…..

A. Windows XP

B. Windows 7

C. *Windows 1.0


38. Which of the following is NOT an example of an operating system? 

A. Windows 10 

B. BSD Unix 

C. *Microsoft Office XP 

D. Ret hat Linux 

39. Which task runs first when the computer is booted and loads a graphical user interface? 

A. *Authentication 

B. Desktop Manager

C. Windows Explorer

D. File Manager 

40. The operating system creates….from the physical computer. 

A. Virtual space

B. *Virtual computers 

C. Virtual device 

D. None of the above 

41. COW stands for….

A. Compress of write memory 

B. *Copy overwrite 

C. Compress overwrites 

D. Computer of world 

42 . Which is the latest version of MS Windows? 

A. Windows 2007 

B. Windows 8.1 

C. Windows 2008 

D. *Windows 10 

43. Which of the following operating system does not implement the multitasking truly? 

A. Windows 98

B. Windows NT

C. Windows XP


44. Operating system of a computer 

A. enables the programmer to draw a flow chart

B. links a program with subroutine with references 

C.* provides a layer, user friendly interface 

D. none of these 

45. A computer cannot ‘boot’, if it does not have the …

A. Compiler 

B. Loader 

C. *Operating system 

D. Assembler 

46. Who provides the interface to access the service  the operating system? 


B. *System call.

C. Library D. 

D. Assembly instruction 

47. Which of the following is a single-user operating system? 

A. Windows 


C.* Ms-Dos 

D. None of these 

48. Which of the following is a program group? 

A. Word pad 

B. Paint brush 

C. *Accessories 

D. None of the above 

49 .What is the full name of the DSM? 

A. Direct system module 

B. Direct system memory 

C. Demoralized system memory 

D. *Distributed shared memory 

50 . When you delete a file in your computer, where does it go? 

A. *Recycle bin 

B. Hard disk 

C. Taskbar 

D. None of these 

51. Which of the following is the extension of Notepad? 

A. *.txt 

B. .xls 


D. .bitMap 

52 . What is the meaning of “Hibernate” in Windows XP/ Windows 7 ? 

A. Restart the Computer in safe mode 

B. Restart the Computer in hibernate mode .

C. Shutdown the Computer without closing the running application.

D.*Shutdown the Computer terminating all the running applications 

53. You should choose Sleep option when ….?

A. The computer is tired after working for the whole day 

B. *You are leaving for a very short time and want to resume you work shortly 

C. When computer gets hanged frequently. Let it sleep for some time 

D. You finish working and going t

o bed 

54. Which of the following operating system does not require a command to run….? 

A. Kali Linux 

B. *Windows 

C. Unix 

D. All of the these 

55. What is the name of the operating system that reads and reacts in terms of actual time? 

A. Batch system 

B. Quick response system

C. *Real time system 

D. Time sharing system 

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