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Very important Email and internet MCQ questions for interview and competitive examination.

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1 Email and internet very important questions:

Email and internet very important questions: 

01.E-mail stands for ….

A. Exact Mail 

B. External Mail 

C.* Electronic Mail 

D. None of these 

02) Which of the following mode we use to deliver e-mail ? 

A. Postal 

B. Courier 

C. *Computer 

D Fax 

03) Who is the father of Internet ? 

A. Charles Babbage 

B. Tim Berners Lee

C. *Vint Cerf 

D. Paul Baran 

04) Define the term internet? 

A. A single network 

B. *A vast collection of different networks

C. Interconnection of local area networks 

D. None of these 

05) Internet is also referred to as ……


B. *NET 



06) Who supported the early development of the Internet ……? 


B. Microsoft 

C. Bill Rogers 

D. Bill Gates 

07) What is the full form of ARPANET ? 

A. Advanced Research Project Automatic Network 

B. Advanced Research Project Authorized Network

C. Advanced Research Programmed Auto Network 

D. *Advanced Research Project Agency Network 

08) What is the full form of G-mail ? 

A. Great mail 

B. *Google mail 

C. Gopher mail 

D. None of these 

09) What is the email attachment size limit in Gmail….? 

A. 10 MB

B. 15 MB 

C. *25 MB 

D. 40 MB 

10) What is the medium for sharing data between two computers …..? 

A. *Network 

B. Integrated system 

C. Grouping 

D. Library 

11) CC stands for ….. 

A. Cold coffee 

B. *Carbon copy 

C. Blind carbon copy

D. Casual copy 

12) What is the full form of BCC ….? 

A. Cold coffee 

B. Carbon copy 

C. *Blind carbon copy

D. Casual copy 

13) What is full form of DNS ? 

A. Disk Name System

B. *Domain Name System 

C. Domain Number System 

D. Domain Name Signal 

14) Junk e-mail is also called ..

A. *Spam 

B. Spoof 

C. Sniffer Script 

D. Spool 

15) E-mails from senders on your blacklist always go to the folder.. 

A. Trash 

B. Draft

C. Inbox 

D. *Spam 

16) WWW stands for…

A. World Work Web 

B. Wide Work Web

C. Wide World Web

D. *World Wide Web 

17) Which device is used to connect the computer to the internet..? 

A. *Modem 

B. Cable 

C. Port 

D. Bus Card 

18) …….. refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. ..

A. *Web design 

B. Graphical User Interface 

C. Data design 

D. UX design 

19) What do you mean by Web Beacon..? 

A.It is a junk mail.

B. It is a default display in the mail pane. 

C.It is Spam mail that can be avoided by the user. 

D. *It is a transparent graphic image that is placed on the website or in email. 

20) What is full form of URL..? 

A. Unit Reserve Locator

B. Uniform Reserve Locate

C. Unit Rate Locate 

D. *Uniform Resource Locator 

21) ………allows user to send a file with e-mail. 

A. Draft 

B. Messenger

C. Sent 

D. *Attachments 

22) To send email, we can use…

A. MS Excel 

B. *Outlook Explorer


D. Netscape Navigator 

23) For emails …….used.

A. *Internet is used

B. Web is used

C. HTTP is used 

D. None of the above 

24) What is the term used for unsolicited e-mail ? 

A. Use net 

B. Backbone

C. Flaming 

D. *Spam 

25) What is the storage area for e-mail messages called ? 

A. A folder 

B. A directory

C.* A mailbox 

D. The hard disk 

26) option helps you to save an unfinished email without sending it….

A. *Save As Draft

B. Inbox 

C. Sent Items

D. Trash 

27) While sending an e-mail, the line describes the contents of the message 

A. *subject 

B. to

C. contents 

D. cc 

28) If you want to send the same e-mail to more than one person, you can type multiple e-mail addresses separated by……

A. Bracket 

B. *Comma 

C. Hyphen 

D. Slash 

29) Which of the following software transfers electronic messages from one computer to another in an e-mail system? 

A. Message Store Agent 

B. *Mail Transfer Agent 

C. Forward Relay 

D. All of above.

MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) is the program responsible for receiving incoming emails and delivering the messages to individual users. 

30) What do you mean by DNS… ? 

A. Assigned network 

B. *Translates domain names to IP addresses 

C. It gives domain name 

D. Data set assigned 

31) A protocol used for fetching e-mail from a mailbox is POP1….

A. *True

B. False 

*POP stands for Post Office Protocol. 

*POP1 is designed for receiving incoming E-mails. 

*The first version of the Post Office Protocol, POP1. 

*POP3 allows you to download email messages on your local computer and read them even when you are offline. 

32) Deleted emails are stored in….

A. Drafts

B.* Trash 

C. Inbox 

D. Sent mail 

33) Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to writing e-mails .

A. *We cannot add more than one address in the ‘To’ field.

B. We can leave the ‘Bcc’ field blank. 

C.We can leave the ‘Cc’ field blank. 

D. The ‘To’ and ‘Cc’ fields are often used interchangeably. 

34) Which of the following is mandatory for sending an email ? 

A. Body 

B. *Sender mail ID 

C. Attachment 

D. Subject 

Note : 

*Sender mail ID’ is mandatory to send an email. 

*‘Body’ is the part of mail that contains the actual mail data, it can be empty. 

*‘Attachment’ is the file that we want to share through the mail. 


35) Which of the following icon is used to add an attachment to an email… ? 

A. Stationery icon 

B.* Paper Clip icon 

C. GIF icon 

D. Emoji icon 

36) Which of the following protocols is used to receive email ? 




D. *POP3

* SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) *HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 

*FTP (File transfer protocol)

*POP3 (Post Office Protocol) 

37) What is included in an E-mail address….. ? 

A. Domain name followed by user’s name

B. *User’s name followed by domain name 

C. User’s name followed by postal address 

D. User’s name followed by Street address 

38) An email address consists of parts… 

A.* 2 

B. 3 

C. 4 

D. 5 

39) Which of the following is the parts of an e-mail address ? 

A. Username 

B. @ 

C. Host server name

D. * All of above 

40) A block of text automatically added to the end of an outgoing email is called a/an 

A. Attachment 

B. *Signature 

C. Decryption 

D. Encryption 

41) To send a received mail to another person, you need to……the message. 

A. Reply To

B. *Forward

C. Reply All

D. Copy 

42) E-mail messages may be stored on which of the following computers ..? 

A. Sender’s computer

B. Sender’s server

C. Recipient’s server 

D. *All of the above 

43) What is the use of Carbon copy (CC)…? 

A. Recipients are invisible to all of the other recipients of the message in CC

B.* Recipients are visible to all of the other recipients of the message in CC 

C. Recipients are invisible to only one recipients of the message in CC 

D. None of the above 

44) What is the difference between CC and BCC when sending an e-mail? 

A. BCC supports attachments, while CC does not 

B. CC data is sent unsecured, while BCC is sent over a secure connection 

C.BCC hides the sender’s e-mail address, while CC does not .

D. *BCC hides all of the recipient e-mail addresses, while CC does not 

45) While working with mail command, which command is used to save mail in a separate file ? 

A.* s 

B. r 

C. w

D. d 

47) Inbox are a displays a…….in a folder ,where unread messages are bold. 

A. Upcoming appointments 

B. Outbox 

C. *List of messages 

D.Calendar of today 

48) Which one of the following is not a search engine? 

A. Google

B.* Chrome 

C. Yahoo 

D. Chrome

* Google, Bing, and Yahoo! The most popular are search engines. 

49) Once an e-mail has been sent, it is moved from the ….. folder to the….. folder. 

A. *outbox, sent

B. inbox, outbox 

C. inbox, sent 

D. outbox, inbox 

50) The……..field is used when you want to send an email to multiple recipients but do not want any of them to know about the other people you have sent them to. 

A. CC 

B. *BCC 

C. DC 


52) ……….an email message in Outlook means it’s converted from readable plain text into scrambled ciphertext. 

A. Encode

B.* Encrypting

C. Hide 

D. Inscribe 

53) Which of the following is NOT a feature of internet…..? 

A. Flexibility of communication

B. Accessibility

C. *High cost 

D. Ease of use 

54) The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and

those without this access is known as the….

A. *Digital divide

B.  Internet divide 

C. Web divide  &Cyber divide 

D. All of the above 

55) In the field of computers and Internet, what does WSC stand for ? 

A. World Wide Web Content 

B. World Wide Web Centre 

C. *World Wide Web Consortium

D. World Wide Web Commission 

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