Ssc CGL EXAMS recent one word substitution.
1. A person who is absolutely necessary for someone or something is called
– indispensable.
2. A slowly moving mass are river of ice is called
– Glacier.
3. A person who eats the flesh of other human beings is called
– cannibal.
4. Medical doctors who specialised in diagnosing diseases using X-rays and CT scans, ultrasound is called
– Radiologist.
5. A roller with complete power over the country is called
– Dictator.
6. A date on which an event to took place in the previous year is called
– anniversary.
7. Something that little value are important is called
– Trivial.
8. Two length of rope wood metal with cross pieces used for climbing up and down walls is called
– Ladder.
9. A government it’s by the nobels Is called
– Aristocracy.
10. A partnership in a crime is called
– Sheath.
11. A doctor who treats a skin diseases is called
– dermatologist.
12. A group off stars that make a good pattern is called
– constellation.
13. A word or law no longer in use is called
– Obsolete.
14. A very large impressive residence is called
– Mansion.
15. Obessive loss weight by the refusing to eating is called
– Anorexia.
16. A glass container in which fish can be kept is called
– Aquarium.
17. A fast moving stream of water is called
– Torrent.
18. A Statement which cannot be contradicted is called
– Irrefutable.
19. Not supporting any side in the argument is called
– Impartial.
20. An extreme fear of darkness is called
– Nyctophobia.
21. State government by old people is called
– Gerontocracy.
22. The organic component of soil formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material is called
– Humus.
23. A set of rooms farming one residencies in a building is called
– apartment.
24. A person who is rob ships is called
– Pirates.
25. Place where two are more revers meet is called
– confluence.
26. An imaginary ideal society is called
– Utopia.
27. A place where gambling games are played is called
– Casino.
28. A close fitting cover for a sword is called
– Sheath.
29. Safe to drink is called
– Potable.
30. One who does not a care for art or literature is called
– Philistine.
31. The state of being married to one person at a time is called
– Monogamy.
32. A group of lions is called
– Pride.
33. A profane talk is called
– Blasphemy.
34. A group of cattle is called
– Herd .
35. A group of people travelling together especially in a desert is called
– Caravan.
36. The science conserved with the properties of sound is called
– Acoustics.
37. Act of giving up the thrown is called
– Abdication .