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Very important top 50 idioms for upcoming SSC compitative Exams.

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1 Idioms for upcoming competitive exams:

Idioms for upcoming competitive exams: 

1. a red letter day – an important day

2.To end in a smoke – end without any practical result.

3. Gift of the gab – ability to speak eloquently.

4. To flag a dead horse – waste energy on an alterable situation.

5. Hard nut to crack – difficult task.

6.A dark horse – an Unexpected winner.

7. A wild goose chase – unprofitable adventure.

7.Full of beans – full of energy.

9. Once in a blue moon – rarely.

10.Give a face of once mind – speaking very sharply.

11. To be under the weather – not feel good.

12. In a nutshell – express a very briefly.

13. To smell a rat – suspect a trick .

14. To break the ice – to eliminate shyness.

15. A bolt from the blue – unexpected disaster.

16. Call it a day – decide.

17. Beat around the bush – avoiding the main topic.

18. Fish out of water –uncomfortable situation .

19. To turn a deaf ear – neglected

20. A piece of cake – a very easy task

21. Bring to once knees – to force to submit.

22. At the 11th hour – a very last moment.

23.Give it a shot – try something.

24. To break the ice – to start a conversation.

25 .A hard nut to crack – a difficult problem.

26. See eye to eye – agree with each other.

27.Fool’s Paradise – deceptive happiness.

28.Spill the beans – to leak the secret.

29. Cutting corners – saving money.

30. A fish out of water – uncomfortable position.

31. To keep an eye on – to be cautions.

32. A snake in the grass – a secret enemy.

33. Piece of cake – something very easy

34. A stone’s throw away – at a short distance.

35. At once wit’s end – to be puzzled.

36. Cost an arm and a leg – very expensive.

37. Cry over spilt milk – feeling sorry over a mistake.

38. Spick and span – clean and Tidy.

39. Man of straw – useless.

40. Hit a bad patch – experienced difficulty.

41. Under the gun – under pressure.


42. Catch red handed – to catch someone doing something illegal work.

43. To take to task – punished.

44. Under a Cloud – under suspicion.

45. A close shave – narrow escape from danger.

46. Add insult to injury – make a bad situation even worse.

47. at snail pace – do something very slowly.

48. Chicken hearted – Cowardly.

49. For good – permanently.

50. Maiden speech – first speech.

Very important Antonyms for previous year and upcoming compitative Exams SSC MTS, CHSL ,CGL ,UPSC, NDA MANY more exams.

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